Friday, August 21, 2009


I know I've been abandoning my blog a lot. Instead of typing I bombarded all the recent posts with my faces :D! am i pretti hehehehe wtf.

So anyways, my current status: wandering around procrastinating cos finals will be starting on 4th Sept until the 14th. Then next it will be a 3 weeks semester break! w00h00 :3 Yaaa 3 weeks is enough for me although some of you guys have 3 months break! *contented
Subjects this semester sucks ducks. All paperwork and no production projects AT ALL.
Thanks to all these fugface subjects, I ended up disliking few of the subjects. I said 'few' out of 5.
That is a lot...!

Ok enough boring college posts its all same old shit anyways.


Went to Isetan with classmate to feed our visual lust on Japanese food wtf didn't buy much cos it was too sudden and both have no enough cash :[ I see a lot of matcha thingamajig aaa// *fattin//


I miss my HPC T_T


I'm going to start playing with my camera again.
Hopefully I'll come up with alot of inspirations.




thiaaaa said...

who haz 3 months break? 8D

mykie said...

cyn: 8D her surname is 'wong'

Anonymous said...

u miss me?! come jom yum cha! i ajak gan//
