Friday, March 02, 2012

The Nyan Cat Encounter

If you don't know what's a Nyan Cat. Please watch this video before proceeding. 
Well, even if you do...WATCH IT as well because these kids are so freaking cute!


I need to be on Twitter/Facebook at all times for work.

One fine day, Fresh came over beside me and stood there. I thought it was suspicious because my seat is at a corner and usually people just come over if they needed something, or they have evil intention of tweetjacking or FBjacking. *grunts*
Apparently she's just cold and my space is warmer cos I get the sunlight from the glass window behind my seat.

This is what happened...

The responses I get...

First one to replied some more.

I was talking about this:

So I RT her picture and mentioned @nyancatbot

Boy, this cat is still annoying even on Twitter. :|
Makes sense. Nyan Cat only goes forever-nyan and will not utter any other word.


back to work.


Isaac Tan said...

lol! this is really random, but cute la

nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan XD

mykie said...

Had a headache. Blogged about something. Forgets about headache. :)