Tuesday, December 01, 2009


I was a pair of chopsticks today.

No, not literally nor physically chopsticks. I know I don't have stick-thin legs :(

It's for my English class activity wtf at this age and stage of my life, I can't believe I actually think its fun, watheff. We were all given an object to talk about. And the guy from my group was a fried chicken and he said the chicken is tasty just like him wtf my life is filled with vain guys. So anyways, the first thing I told my classmates was, "Chopsticks are oriental. Just like me, and my eyes." Then I get people laughing at me. So much for laughing at my misery while I'm talking infront! I don't like my triangular eyes also okay :(!! And and I also get people agreeing with me when I said I'm poisonous like the disposable chopsticks I stole from canteen to present it in the class. See, now I'm not only chopsticks; but also disposable ones. FML.

About this pair of stupid chopsticks, it smell really bad idk why. I kept it in my pencil case without thinking so much about it. Now my entire pencil case smell like rotten wood. Damnation :(


Did rehearsal for radio drama today. My lecturer was there just to observe, so he took all the pictures. Not tagging myself in fb yet. So here's a pic I think is the best cos it's blurry :D Btw, I'm the talent. The mom! Cos I've got really old voice duh.

That's Janice. One of the girls who're taller than me in class.
I'm no longer tall :( What people nowadays eat huh huh huh!

I know it's so rare for me to talk about college! But there's picture today so yeah.


Ok time to go write script!

P/S: Yesterday, I bumped into Cyn in the morning and Jess in the evening! omg the best Fonday ever!


mykie said...

thiaaaa: Eat what hahaha and my classmates told me I already lost my 'cool-ness' so I don't have to keep it anymore grr

Thiaaaaa said...

Eat things which helps in height hahahh. Aiyo why are you offline so early today! Grr.