Friday, January 01, 2010


Happy Twenty-Ten!

Ok not so happy afterall. I've got finals in another 2 more weeks and I'm turning 21 in less than 2 months.
Time to renew my IC! D: But my hair sucks ducks right now pfft.

Obligatory post!
What I did last year in 2009:

- Gotten my Diploma
- Worked really hard and spent really hard. Literally.
- Became an aunt for the second time.
- No longer owning a Probationary driving license!
- Fell and trying to crawl back.
- Met new friends. Happier.
- Finally have my own portfolio
- Cut my hair short!!
- Went to Cendol Town with the girls and had fun ♥
- Spent an entire night at Genting's sbux
- Worn a yukata
- met TAOZHE ♥ (and he saw me!)
- met Eason Chan!
- met some other singers cos it's free ticket to some music event T_T *thanks Jess.
- Financial crisis
- Failed year 2008 resolution! *hints Jess
- Spent entire day and night with okm on my birthday ♥
- Got involved in a minor car accident.
- Splurged a lot.
- Went to a job interview during another job's working hours.
- Got hit on by random foreign train commuters.
- Ice skating!
- Learnt a lottt!
- Still sepet. Why ar? :(

Time to sleep because it's 5am nao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha i totally forgotten bout the resolution thing.. hmmmmm
