Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bold. Italics. Strikethrough?

I'm so sad...

My dog pooped in his water bowl :(

Stupid rockstar dog.



I wanted to say what was I thinking; straight to the point, bold and being myself.
But it could be disastrous and it might end in pain.
Maybe I was thinking too much.
I hate it when hormones twist my mind and rationale like that :(!
It's such a vexing dilemma.

I hate myself sometimes.
I couldn't even tell if I'm okay or not.


Spent 6 mofo hours in Jusco.
1 hour to tidy up and arranging the groceries.
Dad is an awesome splurge-man.



thiaaaa said...

eh i thought thurs baru memberday at jusco? why pergi on wed?

Jci said...

its both days! 13 and 14...
eh i go wed tak nampak u oso :(
and thurs oso :P for a while to finally get myself a clincher :P