Thursday, February 12, 2009


Last minute trip to TGS. Lol.
I FINALLY BOUGHT MYSELF A CAPO THANKGODAMITABHA even my guitar sounds so stimulating now wtf


Obviously the right one is my first capo. RM12 only lolololl
Lol I know it looks super hideous with the rubber band T_T
The rubber came off and I tried all kind of glue but it doesn't work D:

The left one is brand nu muahhs and user friendly too *aww*
And looks damn sophiscated also ahahahaha
Hopefully it will last much longer than the old one otherwise my RM60 will be better spent on a MAC concealer wtf.

Verdict: Always buy expensive yet high quality goods. But it's better if you found the exact same thing in a cheaper price :x


Anonymous said...

haha i've been persuading u of buying one ages ago my god and the rubber band is freaking funny man


mykie said...

Jess: That's cos I don't really use capo that time and the old one still works T_T