Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I suck badly in these 7 things.

This is a long ranty post so discontinue and bounce/fly/roll/jump/go away if you don't want to okthxbai.

It's gonna be the first time I reveal such things and everyone shall be prepared and witness all my weaknesses
eh it rhymes lol

All this while I tried to avoid talking or even thinking about it because I'm scared and kiasu and tried hard to think that I'm much better than that but I finally cannot tahan when it happens again wtf I'm being emotional and overreacting now fds;lgkj;sdfjfjdslfdgjkhreiugh


I know I suck in drawing since I was 8 or 9 and you know Pendidikan Seni is an ass especially when kids your age kept on comparing your artwork with your bestfriend who draws like a god, yet you draw like a dog :( And my dad sent me art class before T-T

After so much years of playing guitar, I still suck at it I cannot play barchord fts at first I kept thinking it's the strings but I give up after I see Jess playing it T-T And when I sing I know I don't sing like TaylorSwift or ColbieCailat or OliviaThai or jaaaaaaaa T-T
Being on stage thrice with guitar and my manly voice didn't give me any self satisfaction at all. I hope nobody remembers me from all these 3 performances *shivers

So called school player for 3 years, I still suck in volleyball hellow loser wtf I wonder how the others felt when they have me in court and when I said "Mine mine!" but didn't managed to hit the ball at all ok damn malufying.

My almost 2 years old driving license is a kopi-O license. Manual cars hate me and I hate them too. Goddamnit. Oh yea not forgetting I'm bad in maps too I got scolded everytime I cannot remember the ways or when I drive like a moron T-T Did I mention I always get attention from the public's eyes when everyone look at me and say "What's wrong with this girl cannot drive don't drive la tiuuuuu" *cries an ocean
(okm finally understands this when I confessed about my weaknesses and he never complains when I don't remember or I drive horribly thus a hugeass kiss from me muahhh thankiu T-T)

I dance like a human robot despite my team was the champion in Selangor for cultural dance when I was 11 or 12 forgotten. And when I have to participate in the committee dance for the college event, I looked at myself in the mirror and videos and fuck ahahahaha I had trauma for the rest of the nights that's why you often spot me online even at 4 in the morning don't dare to sleep incase I dreamt about it boohuhuhuhu T-T

I procrastinate A LOT and I never learn from it, thus sucky examination results.
See this statement wtf I'm blaming on the horoscope now but Aquarius rocks ok T-T
"Aquarius like the grand ideas and massive plans and can make them happen, but the mundane day to day repetitive details causes them to procrastinate."

About those photoshoot pics ahahaha I kinda give up on photoshoots because I'm too fat and to lose weight is a tough job so I got lazy and I know it's not worth it and I know I'm not born pretty so I don't need any photoshoot to make myself feel bitter. Why I didn't get my parents' good genes?!!

Yes I admit I sounded as if I'm made of confidence but I'm Aquarius ma wtf I was only pretending all this while T-T
"Aquarius can act as an expert on any topic..."

And more statements:
"Their stubbornness sometimes causes their failure, they will continue to do something their way even though others have proved it is wrong, they are very smart people and know it is wrong but they will continue just because it is their way, they are very fixed in opinion and stubborn when confronted."

I felt like a useless bimbo now cannot do anything productive fts Now everyone knows I'm just a peanut nothing huge at all no big diu deal.

Hopefully my next post will be about my positive traits and something I can be proud of T-T

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