Thursday, January 22, 2009


The previous post is super absurd. It's time to show you what I'm made of muahahaha wtf.

This is very lengthy so skip it if you're not interested because I'm trying to amuse myself after talking to stones for the entire day I can name all the stones and pebbles in my house now D:

Not sure whether applicable to Val and Jci or not but yehhhh Aquarius roxxor

They love to make people laugh and cheer people up and it makes them feel good to make others feel good.
- Very true. But sometimes being misunderstood as 'talkative' -_-!
Sorry I hate the awkward feelings when everyone keeps quiet.

They are very unconventional and always full of excitement, an Aquarius friend always makes life fun.
- Obviously, please worship me for bringing excitement into your life. You know you love me xoxo gossipgirl wtf

Aquarius is known to pick at anyone they find weak or dull-minded. It is simply an easy target for verbal exercise for them, no harm is meant.
I remember I used to say "Today is Bully Jess/Cyn/Val/Pepet/Jci Day" :D

Aquarius would never intentionally hurt anyone, they have respect for every human.
- True true. I'm too effing nice sometimes :(

Aquarius can act as an expert on any topic, they are very good at inflating their own importance, they feel it is deserved because their eccentricity makes them unique.
- Simply said, "blowwaterking" wtf. This is very obvious in me why I'm like that ahahahaha nvm I like because my eccentricity makes me unique wtf.

They are verbally skilled and very witty, they observe people and learn how to interact with others through observation. They can deal with any type of personality and adapt to any situation.
- Remember the mukatembok incident at PP? :D I can blend in well with uncles and aunties as well w00t!

Aquarius woman is the ultimate independent woman. She is funny, smart, adventurous, never clingy or jealous, never demanding and not overly emotional.
- (okm angkat kaki agree!!!) Lol. I'm very happy now keep seeing statements that flatter me a lot :DDDDDDD

Anything goes with this woman and any man that she chooses will have an amazing relationship.

#9 They do not like naggers or complainers so keep the talk positive and all should be well.
- To all naggers and whiners: "Fandousei everyday emoemoemoemoemo nothing better to think of ah?! -_-!"

#10 If you unable to keep up with the intellect and the unconventional ways that Aquarius is known for, you might want to look elsewhere.
- Please laugh at my jokes. If you don't, it means you're too dumb to understand D: Poor thing wtf.

#11 They are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical.
- I know :D Eh but wait, nearly?! -_-!

#12 They may excel in photography, radiography, electronics - anything connected with the electrical and radio industries - aviation and everything technical.

#13 On the arts and humanities side their progressive tendencies can be expressed in writing, especially poetry, and broadcasting, or as welfare workers and teachers.
^ EH SEE 'BROADCASTING' AHAHAHAHAHAHA SORRY I'M PATHETIC LIKE THIS AHAHAHAHA Oh yea, Jci has the right job in her mind - teacher :D!

#14 Aquarians basically possess strong and attractive personalities They fall into two principle types:
a) shy, sensitive, gentle and patient;
b) lively and exhibitionist, sometimes hiding the considerable depths of their character under a cloak of frivolity.
- I'm a (b), unless you think that I'm shy, gentle and patient HAHAHA FUCK IMAGINE ME BEING GENTLE!!!


Seriously I was fking emo just now but after this post I'm all rejuvenate again wtf is this word applicable in this sentence ahahahahaha
:D There's more but I'm too lazy to read since I'm contented and satisfied with all these compliments already *hidungkembangs


Eason Cheah said...

It's good to know about ur zodiac n its personality...
however, always treat as a guide...

never let what someone wrote in the zodiac determine hu u are...

everyone is unique as they are...

Happy Chinese New Year!

mykie said...

EC: Hahahaha Don't worry :) Because I'm always who I am. It's just amazing that all the traits match my personality *aww* And creepy at the same time. Thus, excited XD

Happy Ox Year to you too! :)

Anonymous said...

aww// HAhAHHA i love zodiac when it says good things. hHAhhahah and some of them really match. Anyway
no matter what signs we are, we all roxxxx. VVVVVVVVv

Jci said...

OMg!!!! hahahaha it applies to me too!!! except for number 3 i think!! muahahahaha... maybe not in front of u ppl... blueh! :P

EuEu said...

This is freaking me out. You're exactly what the horoscope says wtf. TELL ME ABT PIECES =D OR AT LEAST YOUR SOURCE FOR THIS INFO! PWISSS

#3 this is too damn scary lol u r so

mykie said...

Eu: Why you so funny read back all my archieves!!I thought you read before :O

Haha bribe me la pfft :x

EuEu said...

for this post, u say read when free ma. so now hols i free lo. haha.

u wan how much, my wallet got rm5 oni (stupid police always fall for this XD)