Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hang on there.

Stay strong baybeh,
Things will get better after this.
I believe :)

Wuhu hellomilo!
Guess what, 2010's ChineseNewYear falls on 15Feb. WTF.
My dad and Mel was super excited about it stupid ahahaha that's like another year to go pfft.

This is suppose to be an emo post but I'm trying to cope with my current situation now. Being optimistic is one of the requirements. Being sane is another thing. Crying and whining doesn't help, I know. The only hope is to give hope to myself. What am I saying. Lesighsushizanmaisawadikap.
Oh yes, iluwong T-T
Your smses are amajinggg.

Had reunion lunch instead of dinner today. And my house is quiet like a lamb now O_O It feels lonely. But heck it, it will be filled with noises of CNY TV programmes later :) Anyway my point is, there's only 3 person in this huge house. I miss my sistas and my stupid brother. In fact, I'm missing everyone.

Updating tonight.

Tataness much gonna do my last laundry before CNY strikes or my mum will keel me.

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